
  • 이재명, 여당 최종 대선후보 확정/영어 뉴스 번역으로 영어 공부하기/자기계발
    뉴스 번역 2021. 10. 11. 16:09




    Lee Jae-myung becomes final presidential candidate for ruling party

    Gyeonggi Province Gov. Lee Jae-myung was announced on Sunday as the ruling party nominee for the upcoming presidential election.

    Lee has gained a total of 719,905 votes (50.29 percent), defeating his chief rival Lee Nak-yon, former prime minister, who received 560,392 votes (39.14 percent), in the party’s primary elections. Former Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae and Rep. Park Yong-jin received 129,035 votes (9.01 percent) and 22,261 votes (1.55 percent), respectively.

    The ruling party held its last regional primary in Seoul and the third Super Week -- national electoral vote -- to choose a final candidate at SK Olympic Handball Gymnasium in Songpa-gu, Seoul starting at 3:30 p.m. The results were released at 6 p.m.

    In the run-off vote on the day, Gov. Lee gained about 45,737 votes from party members in the Seoul primary election and around 74,441 votes from the third national electoral vote. His rival Lee received 32,445 and 155,220 votes, respectively.

    The cumulative number of electors in the Democratic Party was 2,169,511, of which 1,459,992 voted, with a turnout of 67.3 percent.

    After the turnout was released, Lee said he would complete the “change and reform” demanded by the people.

    The vote result is “A clear and stern order from the people to eliminate unearned income and create a country where working people are respected and live well,” he said.

    “I will surely root out corruption among political forces and won't postpone it for a second. Immediately after election, we will eliminate the stigma of being a country with unearned income from real estate.”

    Gov. Lee’s final vote tally is lower than President Moon Jae-in who had gained 56.5 percent of the vote in the 2012 primary election in the ruling party and topped 57 percent in the 2017 presidential election.

    Lee’s challenge is after the primary election. The Democratic Party's fate for the presidential election is at stake as to whether it can revive the "party unity" after the election of the final candidate.

    During his speech, Lee said, "The best strategy for re-creating a new government is “one team," expressing his gratitude to the other three candidates.

    Party leader Song Young-gil said, "Irrespective of the results, this should be an opportunity to accept (the winner) and become one to meet the calling of Korea's uninterrupted democracy."

    Outside SK Olympic Handball Gymnasium where the joint speech took place, about 3,000 supporters gathered to support their candidates despite the pouring rain. When Lee moved out of the stadium, his supporters shouted his name and cheered.


    Lee Jae-myung becomes final presidential candidate for ruling party

    이재명, 여당 최종 대선후보 확정

    ✔모르는 단어 



    <유사 단어:control, rule, domination, ruling, mastery, dominion>


    형용사 :

    <유사 단어:potent, strong, effective, ruling>

    <유사 단어: superior, ruling, regnant>

    <유사 단어: hegemonic, ruling, presidential>

    Gyeonggi Province Gov. Lee Jae-myung was announced on Sunday as the ruling party nominee for the upcoming presidential election.


    이재명 경기도지사가 19일 대선에서 여당 후보로 확정됐다.

    ✔모르는 단어



    동사 :

    <유사 단어: knell, announce, apprise, apprize, let into, acquaint with>

    <유사 단어: announce, set forward, speak>


    <유사 단어: announce, bring out, publish, air, give out, set forth>


    <유사 단어: broadcast, air, announce>

    Lee has gained a total of 719,905 votes (50.29 percent), defeating his chief rival Lee Nak-yon, former prime minister, who received 560,392 votes (39.14 percent), in the party’s primary elections.


    이 후보는 예비선거에서 56392(39.14%)를 얻은 이낙연 전 총리를 꺾고 총 719905(50.29%)를 얻었다.

    ✔모르는 단어



    명사 :

    <유사 단어: minister, secretary, chancellor, intestinal tract, general, grandeur>

    <유사 단어: priest, minister, cleric, clergyman, churchman, ecclesiastic>

    <유사 단어: stead, minister, compensation, vicariousness, secretary>




    명사 군주 국가에서 장관을 이르는 말.


    명사 역사 의정(議政)을 통틀어 이르는 말.


    명사 역사 조선 고종 31(1894) 이후에 둔 내각 각 부의 으뜸 벼슬.

    동사 :

    <유사 단어: serve, wait, minister>

    Former Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae and Rep. Park Yong-jin received 129,035 votes (9.01 percent) and 22,261 votes (1.55 percent), respectively.


    추미애 전 법무부 장관과 박용진 의원은 각각 129035(9.01%)22261(1.55%)를 얻었다.

    The ruling party held its last regional primary in Seoul and the third Super Week -- national electoral vote -- to choose a final candidate at SK Olympic Handball Gymnasium in Songpa-gu, Seoul starting at 3:30 p.m. The results were released at 6 p.m.


    여당은 오후 330분부터 서울 송파구 SK올림픽핸드볼경기장에서 최종 후보를 뽑는 제3차 슈퍼위크(전국선거인단 투표)와 마지막 지역예선을 서울에서 치렀다. 결과는 오후 6시에 발표됐다.

    In the run-off vote on the day, Gov. Lee gained about 45,737 votes from party members in the Seoul primary election and around 74,441 votes from the third national electoral vote. His rival Lee received 32,445 and 155,220 votes, respectively.


    이 지사는 이날 결선 투표에서 서울 예비선거에서 정당 의원들로부터 약 45737, 3차 총선에서 약 74441표를 얻었다. 그의 라이벌인 이낙연은 각각 32,445표와 155,220표를 얻었다.

    ✔모르는 단어




    The cumulative number of electors in the Democratic Party was 2,169,511, of which 1,459,992 voted, with a turnout of 67.3 percent.

    더불어민주당의 누적 선거인 수는 2169511, 이 중 1459992명이 득표해 67.3%의 득표율을 기록했다.

    ✔모르는 단어






    After the turnout was released, Lee said he would complete the “change and reform” demanded by the people.


    이 의원은 투표율이 공개된 뒤 국민이 요구하는 '변화와 개혁'을 완성하겠다고 말했다.


    The vote result is “A clear and stern order from the people to eliminate unearned income and create a country where working people are respected and live well,” he said.


    투표 결과는 불로소득을 없애고 노동자가 존중받고 잘사는 나라를 만들기 위한 국민의 분명하고도 엄중한 명령이라고 말했다.

    ✔모르는 단어






    <유사 단어: solemn, stern>

    <유사 단어: strict, rigid, tight, severe, stern, rugged>


    <유사 단어: kill, murder, do away with, suicide, erase, eliminate>

    <유사 단어: remove, get rid of, eliminate, clear away, put off, subduct>



    받을 자격이 없는

    노력없이 받은

    “I will surely root out corruption among political forces and won't postpone it for a second. Immediately after election, we will eliminate the stigma of being a country with unearned income from real estate.”


    정치세력의 부패를 반드시 근절하고 한시도 미루지 않을 것입니다. 선거 직후 부동산 불로소득 국가라는 낙인을 없애겠다고 말했다.

    ✔모르는 단어


    <유사 단어: certainly, surely, for sure, assuredly>

    <유사 단어: surely, already, by no means>

    <유사 단어: safely, securely, surely>


    Gov. Lee’s final vote tally is lower than President Moon Jae-in who had gained 56.5 percent of the vote in the 2012 primary election in the ruling party and topped 57 percent in the 2017 presidential election.


    이 지사의 최종 득표율은 2012년 여당 예비선거에서 56.5%, 2017년 대선에서 57%를 득표한 문재인 대통령보다 낮다.


    Lee’s challenge is after the primary election. The Democratic Party's fate for the presidential election is at stake as to whether it can revive the "party unity" after the election of the final candidate.


    이 지사의 도전은 경선 이후다. 더불어민주당의 대선 운명이 최종 후보 선출 이후 '당 통합'을 되살릴 수 있을지 귀추가 주목된다.


    During his speech, Lee said, "The best strategy for re-creating a new government is “one team," expressing his gratitude to the other three candidates.


    이 의원은 연설에서 "새 정부를 재창출하기 위한 최선의 전략은 '한 팀'이다"라며 "다른 세 후보에게 감사드린다"고 말했다.


    Party leader Song Young-gil said, "Irrespective of the results, this should be an opportunity to accept (the winner) and become one to meet the calling of Korea's uninterrupted democracy."


    송영길 원내대표는 "결과와 상관없이 (승자) 한국의 끊임없는 민주주의의 소명에 부응하는 하나가 되는 기회가 되어야 한다"고 말했다.

    ✔모르는 단어


    ...에 상관없는



    중단되지 않은

    Outside SK Olympic Handball Gymnasium where the joint speech took place, about 3,000 supporters gathered to support their candidates despite the pouring rain. When Lee moved out of the stadium, his supporters shouted his name and cheered.


    공동연설이 진행된 SK올림픽핸드볼경기장 밖에는 쏟아지는 빗줄기 속에서도 약 3000여명의 지지자들이 후보자들을 지지하기 위해 모였다. 이재명 경기도지사가 경기장을 나서자 팬들은 그의 이름을 외치며 환호했다.










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